The Balancing Act: As Women, How do we juggle it all

Photo Courtesy of Jeffery Erhunse via Unsplash

As Black Women business owners, we bear much responsibility daily. From caring for children to nurturing relationships to generating and sustaining business opportunities, there is much to be considered throughout the day. Sometimes, we strike a balance and get it right, and sometimes, we fall short, but we continue, understanding that perfection is unattainable although we aspire to attain it.

While we discussed our "superpowers" recently, we remind you to give yourself grace as you can't be "super" every day in this overwhelming pursuit to juggle and balance it all.

Here are some tips for how to approach "The Balancing Act," but our best advice is — Do your best!

1) In Entrepreneurship — Ask. For. Help.

Whether having been in business for 5+ years or just starting, asking for help and outsourcing are essential to balancing it all.

The most successful entrepreneurs you know are likely not doing it alone. Asking for help does not show vulnerability. It offers insight, strength, and strategic thinking. It also allows you to collaborate with other professionals and partner with other enterprises, which will expand your reach and likely result in additional business.

However, we must justify it. We must recognize that we may hold "superwoman" qualities, but we can't wear that cape 24/7. So, tap into your network and utilize your village!

2) Companionship — Set Boundaries

Balancing your love life and running a successful business is all about boundaries. So, establish them, follow them, and make others respect them

When it comes to spending time with your significant other, setting strict time and place boundaries are everything. That means when it's date night, it's just that—date night. No to "let me check my email" or " I need to answer this work text." Nope. Be present and trust that your business will still be standing after dinner, a movie, and dessert (wink, wink).

 So, set those boundaries! Your boo thang will appreciate it, and your relationship will benefit from your presence.

3) Motherhood — Establish Routines and Stick to Them

While, at times, it can be a lot (a whole lot), for those of you who are mothers, I'm sure it's your proudest accomplishment and most rewarding experience. Our little people mean the world to us and deserve our attention. Yet, we all have dealt with the difficult balancing act of being a present mother and successful business owner and the guilt it sometimes brings.

However, establishing routines and tapping into your village will save you

Stay consistent with morning and nightly routines, such as meal times and bedtimes. It gives you fewer daily decisions and prescribes much-needed time for yourself.

Also, tap into your village. We grow further together! As humans, we were not made to do everything alone, and your village is your rock. So, call up Grandma or Auntie, and see if they want to visit their favorite little people every Tuesday or Thursday to help you get some of your tasks completed. This allows you some time while also allowing these other valued members of your family time to bond with your children (Thank us later).

4) Sisterhood — Spend Time with Your Good, Good Girlfriends!

Finding time to cut up and chill with our family and friends becomes more challenging over time. Life forces us to prioritize our spouses, children, and careers, allowing little to no time for sorors, childhood friends, or biological siblings and cousins. However, we must make time for these critical relationships, as they nourish our souls.

So, by setting boundaries and establishing routines in other areas, you will find some time (at least once a month) to grab brunch with your girls, dinner with your parents, and drinks with your college roommate.

Sowing into these relationships is necessary!

5) Networking — Assess Your Engagement

In business, your social currency is invaluable. Therefore, you may feel compelled to attend numerous events and engage on social media.

While networking and engagement are essential, ensure you are not allowing your pursuit of success to infringe on other critical areas of your life. So, like everything else, budget time for social appearances and assess their value.

Also, use social media analytics to ensure you are maximizing your exposure on each platform. This exercise will inform when and how often you post and engage on social media, freeing you up to do other things, whether personal or professional.

6) Self-Care — Fill Your WELL!

We often save the most important things for last, thinking that if we get these other "little" things done, we can focus on the "big" thing. I don't know about you, but other things continue to arise, chipping away at the time I allocated for the "big" thing until there is sometimes no time left.

While doing all the above is essential, none of them can be possible without filling your WELL first!

In the morning: Carve out time just for you. If you have kids, aim to get up at least an hour before them to do your skincare routine, meditate, read the newspaper, or indulge in some guilty pleasure. Whatever it is, taking the time for peace is a game-changer.

In the evening: Wind down completely. After a prescribed hour:

  • Put the phone down.

  • Close the laptop.

  • Partake in a nightly routine that gives you satisfaction and restores all the energy you exhausted throughout the day.

You can achieve self-care in many ways, including simply taking back your time and saying "no." Regardless of how self-care looks for you, make it a priority.

Above all, give yourself GRACE.

Sis, we can't be superwomen always, and that's okay!

Sometimes you won't get it right.

Sometimes you can't balance it all.

Sometimes you just need to be and do for yourself.

And, that's okay.


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